Reves和Medgyes(1994)針對200多位NNEST(non-native English speaking teacher)的調查結果,說明了NNEST和NEST(native English speaking teacher)的差別:
Use of English | |
Speak better English | Speak poor English |
Use real language | Use “bookish” English |
Are more confident | Are less confident |
General teaching approach | |
Are more flexible | Are more dependent on guidance |
Are more innovate | Are more cautious |
Are less empathetic | Are more empathetic |
Attend to pre-conceived needs | Attend to real needs |
Have unrealistic expatiations | Have realistic expatiations |
Are more indulgent | Are stricter |
Are less committed to teach | Are more committed to teach |
Specific language teaching approach | |
Have less insight | Have more insight |
Focus on | Focus on |
fluency | accuracy |
meaning | form |
language in use | grammar rules |
oral skills | printed word |
colloquial registers | formal registers |
Teach items in context | Teach items in isolation |
Prefer free activities | Prefer controlled activities |
Favor group/pairwork | Favor frontal work |
Use a variety of materials | Use a single textbook |
Tolerate errors | Correct every error |
Set fewer classroom tests | Set more classroom tests |
Use no or less in L1 | Use more L1 |
Resort to no or less translation | Resort to more translation |
Assess less homework | Assess more homework |
Supply more information on target language culture | Supply less information on target language culture |
- 公開承認NNEST和NEST語言水平的差異,並且予以合理化。也就是教師本身、以及教育當局都把這樣的現象視為理所當然。
- 應該盡可能地提高NNEST的語言能力,縮小NNEST與NEST之間的差異。
另外,Mahboob(2003)調查122個語言項目(language program)後發現,在美國TESL的NNEST人數很少(註),大概是因為語言項目的主持人強調「英語母語者」的重要性,並假設學習者期望向NEST學習的緣故。以下是語言項目的負責人於聘用語言教師的10種標準的重要性評分:
不過Mahboob針對學習者的問卷調查結果顯示,學生不一定偏好由NS來當老師。學生的感知是很複雜的,參與調查的學習者表示,NNS和NS的教師是互補的,他們希望能夠同時向兩者學習。 黃希敏(2004)也提到NNEST的優勢:
- 提供學生學習目標語的典範。
- 能有效傳授學習策略。
- 告訴學生目標語與母語的不同之處。
- 能預測及預防學習困難。
- 重視學生的需求與問題。
- 能使用母語解釋目標語的微妙之處。
- 母語者和非母語者的語言教師的語言能力本來就存在落差,應該予以合理化,如此方能公平看待非母語者語言教師努力的成果。
- 母語者和非母語者的語言教師各有所長、也各有所短,在教學上應截長補短、相輔相成。
- 「教學經驗」與「教育背景」比「口音」、「方言」等因素來得重要。
- 除此之外,「推薦信」也是很重要的....... :p
- 在1425名教師中,僅有112名非母語者,亦即NNEST只佔7.9%。其中有超過一半的語言項目完全沒有非母語者的英語教師。
- Mahboob, A. (2003). Status of nonnative English speakers as ESL teachers in the United States. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Indiana University.
- Reves, T., & Medgyes, P. (1994). The non-native English speaking ESL/EFL teacher's self-image: An international survey. System, 22(3), 353-367.
- 黃希敏(2004)。關於「本國籍老師」的一點省思──從The Non-native Teacher一書談起。敦煌英語教學電子雜誌。2006年5月11日,取自