- Computational linguistics
- Journal of the acoustical society of America
- Speech communication
- Brain and language
Ⅱ. Social Science Citation Index
- American journal of speech-language pathology
- American speech
- Applied linguistics
- Applied psycholinguistics
- Bilingualism-language and cognition
- Brain and language
- Canadian modern language review - La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes
- Clinical linguistics & phonetics
- Computational linguistics
- English for specific purposes
- Foreign language annals
- Forensic linguistics - The international journal of speech language and the law
- Journal of child language
- Journal of communication disorders
- Journal of fluency disorders
- Journal of language and social psychology
- Journal of memory and language
- Journal of neurolinguistics
- Journal of phonetics
- Journal of pragmatics
- Journal of psycholinguistic research
- Journal of second language writing
- Journal of sociolinguistics
- Journal of speech language and hearing research
- Language
- Language & communication
- Language and cognitive processes
- Language and speech
- Language in society
- Language learning
- Language learning & technology
- Language speech and hearing services in schools
- Lingua
- Linguistics
- Mind & language
- Modern language journal
- Narrative inquiry
- Phonetica
- Research on language and social interaction
- Research in the teaching of English
- Second language research
- Studies in second language acquisition
- Syntax and semantics
- TESOL quarterly
- Text & talk
- Word - Journal of the international linguistic association
- Zeitschrift fur dialektologie und linguistik
Ⅲ. Arts and Humanities Citation Index
- AAA - Arbeiten aus anglistik und amerikanistik
- American speech
- Anglia - zeitschrift fur englische philologie
- Archiv fur das studium der neueren sprachen und literaturen
- Beitrage zur geschichte der deutschen sprache und literatur
- Canadian journal of linguistics - revue canadienne de linguistique
- Cognitive linguistics
- College English
- Colloquia germanica
- Computational linguistics
- Critica hispanica
- Deutsche sprache
- Eigse - A journal of Irish studies
- English
- English historical review
- English language & linguistics
- English language notes
- English studies
- English studies in Africa
- English studies in Canada
- Estudios filologicos
- Folia linguistica
- Folia linguistica historica
- Forum italicum
- Francais moderne
- German quarterly
- Hispania - A journal devoted to the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese
- Historiographia linguistica
- Humor - International journal of humor research
- Iberoromania
- Indogermanische forschungen
- International journal of lexicography
- Journal of Chinese linguistics
- Journal of East Asian linguistics
- Journal of linguistics
- Journal of literary semantics
- Journal of phonetics
- Journal of pidgin and creole languages
- Journal of pragmatics
- Language
- Language sciences
- Langue francaise
- Lexikos
- Lili - zeitschrift fur literaturwissenschaft und linguistik
- Lingua
- Lingua e stile
- Lingua nostra
- Linguistic inquiry
- Linguistic review
- Linguistics
- Linguistics and philosophy
- Linguistique
- Meta
- Metaphor and symbol
- Modern language review
- Modern philology
- Muttersprache
- Narrative inquiry
- Natural language & linguistic theory
- Neophilologus
- Neuphilologische mitteilungen
- Oceanic linguistics
- Papers on language and literature
- Perspectives - studies in translatology
- Philological quarterly
- Phonetica
- Probus
- Review of English studies
- Revista de filologia espanola
- Revue belge de philologie et d histoire
- Revue de linguistique romane
- Revue des langues romanes
- Revue romane
- Romance philology
- Russian linguistics
- Sprachwissenschaft
- Studi e problemi di critica testuale
- Studia linguistica
- Studia neophilologica
- Studies in language
- Studies in philology
- Syntax and semantics
- Text & talk
- Theoretical linguistics
- Transactions of the philological society
- Word - Journal of the international linguistic association
- Yiddish
- Zeitschrift fur deutsche philologie
- Zeitschrift fur dialektologie und linguistik
- Zeitschrift fur germanistische linguistik
- Zeitschrift fur romanische philologie
- Zeitschrift fur slawistik
Ⅳ. (台灣)TSSCI
Ⅴ. (大陸)CSSCI
- 中國俄語教學
- 中國語文
- 中國翻譯
- 方言
- 世界漢語教學
- 古漢語研究
- 外國語
- 外語界
- 外語研究
- 外語教學
- 外語教學與研究
- 外語與外語教學
- 外語學刊
- 民族語文
- 國外外語教學
- 現代外語
- 當代語言學
- 漢語學習
- 語文研究
- 語言文字應用
- 語言研究
- 語言教學與研究
- SCI、SSCI、A&HCI皆為一家私人企業所成立,並非評判期刊優劣、學者研究功力之唯一標準。
- SCI、SSCI、A&HCI雖然領域不同,但所收錄的期刊有一小部分重複。例如Journal of Phonetics、Journal of Pragmatics、Lingua、Linguistics、Phonetica、Word等同屬於SSCI和A&HCI;而Computational Linguistics、Brain and Language則同屬於SCI和SSCI。
- 台灣的TSSCI僅收錄《史語所集刊》,不過中研院的語言所已獨立成為一個新的研究所,《史語所集刊》不再收錄語言學的文章。語言所的《語言暨語言學》水準很高,可惜因為發行未久,尚未列入SSCI。
- 大陸的CSSCI常有變動,上面的目錄僅供參考。不知道為什麼中國期刊全文數據庫並未收錄《中國語文》,所以這裡沒有提供連結。
- 英文期刊以字母排序,中文期刊以筆畫排序。
- 個人整理或有闕漏,尚祈方家不吝指正。
- SCI、SSCI、A&HCI來源:Thomson Scientific
- TSSCI來源:國科會社會科學研究中心
- CSSCI來源:北京交通大學科技處
1 則留言:
Thanks for sharing this link, but unfortunately it seems to be offline... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please answer to my post if you do!
I would appreciate if a staff member here at pbice.blogspot.com could post it.